The Panama Canal threat is not about trade, it’s about the Tr*mp Organization failing to pay Panama taxes and getting sued for it.


And everyone knows, there’s no such thing as a Sanity Clause…

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I really feel that there "ought" to be a Sanity Clause, if there isn't. So I'm just gonna believe.

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It was Chico who told us there is no Sanity Clause, and he never lost an argument with Groucho (or anyone else).

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Contract negotiations were a lot more fun in those days.

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You're right! I was first thinking it was Groucho but of course it was Chico.

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Trump not pay taxes? Who would ever think that?

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For Trump, Panamanian Tax laws are of no concern to him; these laws just allowed him to get the Canal back to the US. He will be able to assert that, like Roosevelt, he gave that land to the US; this time, it did not cost the taxpayers a cent.

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Thank you! These people are so venal and greedy....and racist and only the white racism gets WWC's to ignore the venal and greedy parts.

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White Working Class.

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Happy Holidays. Panama has found that the Trump organization avoided taxes and hid income on its property there. The management company has sued the Trump organization for that money. Suddenly Panama is a thing. Journos have hedged on the connection because that’s what they do today, but we know how the lizard brain works.

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Professor Krugman, you are one of the people whose wisdom and humor I will cling to in the forthcoming years. I'm glad you found a home here. Please don't leave, we need you. Thank you and happy holidays to you and your family.

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A few thoughts here:

I must say I'm a truly liking your column so much more on this platform. The main reason: that daily email reminds me to actually READ IT!! I very often missed what was published in the NYT for whatever reason.

I say that Panama should offer Trump a deal: "Swim the entire length, and it's yours. Oh, we'll even drop the tax evasion charges too." (For those that don't know, the canal is 51 miles/81km long.).

As far as the Subway... as a Staten Islander, I don't ride it a lot compared to other New Yorkers, but compared to other people here on the Rock, I ride it a lot. So few people, especially outside NYC, have any clue as to how massive the system is, how many people ride it, and how rare crime actually is compared to those numbers. Anyone past about age 60 or so, should remember the subway of the 1970s and how truly awful it was.

Finally...have a wonderful holiday in your undisclosed location. The same for all my fellow Krugman fans. :)

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I grew up on Staten Island and commuted to HS in Manhattan in the early 70s (SIRT -> ferry -> IRT to Union Station). As a young teenager, taking the subway back then was an adventure. I miss it.

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Yup. Class of 74.

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Cool! The old Sty! I arrived as a junior-level college transfer in 1974. Finished up at a conservatory on the UWS but eventually landed in corporate world. I’ve worked with a bunch of Sty grads and every one was a delight.

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I visited NYC for the first time ever last year and I absolutely loved the subway. It was so convenient and I must admit that I found it fun too. I never felt unsafe while I was in NYC or using the subway there.

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I'm really glad you're here. I cancelled my nytimes subscription more than 2 years ago because I was finding many of their op-eds and political coverage questionable, so have been bereft of your words of wisdom. Also I don't like their food section. IMO The Guardian food writers do a much better job

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I am one step closer to dropping the Times with the good professor's exit. My problems are Jamelle Bouie and Margaret Renkl. And the food section. I'm really torn....

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Yeah, what the world needs is someone to consolidate writing/columnists that we can subscribe to in bulk. That used to be called a newspaper but they've utterly failed of their responsibility though good writers & writing are still there. As a start, it would be great if Substack offers bulk deals and attracts other dissatisfied writers. Maybe ProPublica?

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As someone who grew up in a two newspaper household, at one time had a subscription to the Boston Globe while living in Iowa just for Celtics coverage (it was Larry Bird! How could I not?), and graduated/spiraled to four digital newspaper subs during Covid, I have read, learned, and enjoyed more useful jornalism in Substack than at any time since the 1980s. Not just the writing or the opinions, but the introductions to other media, pursuits, and activities. Substack is a tesseract garden where actual thinking blossoms to replace the media desserts created by hedge fund pirates and souless corporate media.

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Absent the emoticon selection of some platforms, I’ll use reply to deliver a cascade! Love what you said, and how you said it! Certainly my experience on Substack as well! Thank you for the comment!


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Yes yes yes PLEASE‼️‼️‼️

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That’s how I feel about wapo’s Jennifer Rubin and Eugene Robinson.

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I dropped the WAPO- I do miss Robinson , and Rubin they have been sending great rates,still Times subscriber although many days it is very tough to read there is just no context

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I have admired Jennifer, Ruben, and Eugene Robinson for years, what’s your beef with them?

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None! My beef is with the WaPo. I’ve kept it solely because of them and Carolyn Hax.

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I knew what you meant.

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I'm pretty sure President Dumbass wants Greenland because he's convinced global warming will turn it into a vacation paradise, with 1000s of miles of coastline property.

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It is the original real estate scam after all. That would draw him to it.

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But, but, but Trmp keeps saying global warming is a hoax!

Of course, he also seems to believe that sea level rise creates more beachfront property.

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I read somewhere recently that his obsession with Greenland and Panama has less to do with his map reading abilities, and more to do with reducing shipping costs which greatly affect the Muskrats bottom line. If that isn't an example of Occam's Razor I don't know what is. And yeah there's his delinquent tax payments as well. And let me also say that you've been one of my favorite commentators since I first read Conscience of a Liberal years ago.

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Plus an even simpler motive: Keep in mind that Trump will say anything to create a ruckus and stay in the news loop. For example, remember the reports of him anonymously planting negative stories about himself in New York tabloids back in the '80s, just to see himself in the news.

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talking too much and need to cool it. BUT let me say: I read this and forgot! BUT it is been playing background music in my head all this time! I say we fell off at Reagan and they gutted the US for the rich. Conscience gives the foundation for how we got to Reagan. I glanced and saw my notes and highlighting and now I feel stupid for Christmas.

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We Californians who suffered thru his governance tried to warn alla yins, but did you listen? Nooooo.

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Greenland has been put as a bee in Trump's ear for a reason.

And unfortunately, this is a serious post.

JD Vance and Steve Bannon are followers of Curtis Yarvin, a very, very far-right blogster who has a theory that democracies should be replaced by "techno monarchist" regimes with a single CEO decision-maker and a politburo of oligarchs. Yarvin is funded by Peter Theil, who groomed JD Vance and bankrolled him to the tune of $15 million in his Senate race.

Thiel and Musk were involved in the early days of PayPal. Musk was ousted from PayPal and replaced by Thiel as CEO, so there is history there. But, both Thiel and Musk are into "techno-colonialism," establishing societies in new frontiers with no government regulation or interference. That means they can be as racist and misogynistic as they want. If people don't like it, they supposedly can just leave, but the potential for worker abuse is enormous.

Thiel was involved with Seascape, a failed attempt to build an ocean-based society in French Polynesia. Musk wants to do it on Mars. (He wears a black OCCUPY MARS T-shirt at rallies. )

Greenland has lots of uninhabited land, lots of rare earth minerals to exploit, and Musk is CEO of the Boring Company that builds tunnels (and SpaceX for the Mars thing down the road.) Part of this portion of the fringe far-right sees techno-colonialism as the answer to catastrophic climate change or pandemics.

Musk has also publicly claimed to be Dark MAGA at Trump rallies. (He accessorizes his black tee shirt with a black MAGA cap which Trump is selling through his merch website.) Dark MAGA believes in establishing a Christo-nationalist authoritarian state in America by any means necessary to produce societal change.

Mainstream media thinks Dark MAGA is just a meme. It's not.


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Thanks for that Guardian link, that's a really frightening story.

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Happy holidays Professor Krugman!

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“Anyway that’s Trump, let’s talk about our incoming president”-made me smile!

Merry Christmas!

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Glad to see you haven't really "retired." It would be terrible if we couldn't read your wonderful spot on insights into our day to day issues with the economy. We need you now more than ever especially with humor attached to your writing. It's going to be another 4 years of BS from the orange baby man.

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A laugh on Christmas Eve. Great present! Setting aside the insanity, of course...

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The Panama Canal only brought in $5 billion in revenue this fiscal year, including from ships that had nothing to do with the US. We ran a $10.5 billion trade surplus with Panama in the same period.


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Thank you so much for your sly sense of humor in this post. Made my day.

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Must be a great place for a golf course if they called it Greenland. The magic of climate change may make that a reality sooner than anyone imagined. Then again Insane Clown is still scratching his head why Washington crossed the Delaware when he could have just taken I-95.

As for Panama that threat will disaappear as soon as their investigation into Insane Clown's tax evasion does.

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Or he could have flown from that airport in Valley Forge!

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Thank you for your thoughts and especially introducing me to The Roches! I am very happy to say, I do enjoy your writing! Happy happy Christmas and Hannukah!

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