Stop sendng us apps! It's a pain in the ass. I'm very techie, just built a new win 11 computer. Never bought a computer I didn't build since 1989.There's no rerason for the app that you couldn't do in the desktop/browser. Stop trying to act like Zuckerberg. Geeze Louise!

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I have to agree...apps exist to track me. Hate, hate, hate apps!

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Since this is a little early on the west coast, could you please record so I can pick it up later? Of even better, have a transcript as suggested by another.

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It will be recorded

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Could you have, at some point, a transcription. These days with our fecal-flooded zone, I don't have the bandwidth for videos or podcasts. thank you.

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We need an app for Laptops, for crying out loud. We don't want to be confined to an iPhone or android.

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Can’t wait

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Risks of a crypto reserve forced on Treasury by Techbros

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I am also baffled at the blasé reaction of the global stock markets (so far)...could the US really be that insulated from blowback to the Trump administration gunboat diplomacy? Columbia appears to have caved, not sure what Denmark is planning, but obviously Canada and Mexico are next on the bully list, very soon. Will anything shock the markets? PS, thank you for your columns and emails...this non-economist has learned so much from you.

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Is there an app for our laptops (or desktops)?

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Could you talk about the BRICS nations and their plan to move away from the USD? I would like to hear how this is beneficial to these countries and their economies.

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With all the CONservative handwringing over the debt, how about a short discussion of the implications of debt in a sovereign economy with a fiat currency that is still recognized as the world's reserve currency. Perhaps if we can pull the covers back even just a little, we can focus on managing inflation and ensuring full employment and stop fighting over balancing the budget. To paraphrase Stephanie Kelton, "the debt is not what we owe, it's what we own".

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What do you think the effect will be if other countries cut rates while we raise ours?

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Are you using AI in your work? Impressions?

“ Anything we can actually do, we can afford “. How should countries like the UK Canada and Germany think about that?

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I remember you very bravely writing against the Iraq War, which was rare for respected intellectuals at the time. That’s why I was wondering about your thoughts on the war in Gaza? I have conflicted feelings but this well-sourced investigative piece doesn’t seem to reflect well on America’s role in it: https://www.propublica.org/article/biden-blinken-state-department-israel-gaza-human-rights-horrors

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9:30 a.m. is 6:30 a.m., the crack of dawn, on the West Coast where I live. I hope this series is recorded so I can watch at 6:30 P.m.

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Do you still consult Peter Turchin, the biologist-historian prognosticator? It might behoove you to check out his latest predictions.

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