Thank you for bringing us back to the story of Portugal, it is very relevant to where we are today in Europe. As an American living in Europe most of my adult life (I’m 67 and have lived in Europe during the Cold War for several years (in West Berlin), and the last 30 years in the Netherlands) — I believe that Europe has had it’s awakening last Friday and I do believe Europeans are going to step up, lead, and provide what Ukraine needs to have its sovereignty and a just peace - and push back on Putin so that he stays inside his own border. Worried at the moment for Moldova if Europe doesn’t in fact step up. The meeting in London yesterday has consequential outcomes, I believe.
Putin's aggression has so far resulted in Finland and Sweden joining NATO. Something very unwelcome and unexpected.
His efforts through Trump to have the US dump Ukraine, and more closely align itself with Russian/Chinese interests is also a big fail IF--and only IF--the EU steps up. This is Europe's moment, and so far they seem to really waking up to moving out from under the US geopolitical shadow.
Trump's actions over the past few weeks have made it abundantly clear that regarding Russia he's not just a "useful idiot", but a full-blown KGB (FSB) intelligence thrall, and has been since the '80's or '90's. He is--and by extension his party, and its official mouthpiece FOX News--traitorous scum, harming both our national security and prosperity for the benefit of the Russo-Chinese alliance.
I believe Krugman and your comment begs the question: What happens to the US and its military and financial might and defence industries in this new world? All redirected to offense? You seem to assume the US will just stand by. I can't see that, nor see the military industrial complex just rolling over.
Every large military system (such as F-16s, anti-aircraft systems, etc.) that we "sell" to a foreign country comes with conditions. With Trump in power, rest assured that he will not allow those items to be used to support Ukraine. Europe will have to rely on locally manufactured military gear, such as the Eurofighter. Since it appears that drones are the big item these days, European nations may be at something of a disadvantage.
Allies' purchases of US weaponry help us significantly defray their enormous development costs. Refusing to sell to our allies/former NATO allies would hurt us and drive Europeans to develop their own advanced systems - which they're quite capable of.
We'll see how our own Military-Industrial complex--which has historically been a GOP-centric phenomenon--reacts to Trump/GOP cutting them out of tens, or even hundreds of billions of NATO-based business. Advanced weapons systems are one of our top exports, and Europe our top customer. Perhaps the stupidest move yet from a supposedly very stable financial genius.
We're not talking about the US refusing to sell to other countries. We're really talking about it being in other countries' best interests to refuse to buy from the US and develop their own.
There are a lot of people highlighting the Ukrainians actual advantage in building a much faster rate than the Western world can. Necessity is the mother of invention? In today's more technologically advanced, remote war this is one case where they (Ukraine/EU) may have an advantage vs the US?
Pretty much EVERY joint weapons system--like the F-16 fighter--used by our soon to be former NATO allies has a substantial portion of US-made components.
Hundreds of billions--ultimately trillions--of US defense exports are about to go bye-bye thanks to Trump/GOP. Better hope you don't live in an area or state with lots of defense plants.
Or better yet, sell your house now before your local economy implodes.
The regime change has happened so rapidly that Europe probably has time to prepare before we bring our military might against them. I can't see our military doing an about face and bombing London on Musk/Trump/Vance say so. They'll start out slow, attacking Panama and Greenland, maybe taking some swipes at Mexico.
The new regime is taking an ax to our financial might. The financial boys have been thrilled at the thought of tax cuts and wiping out regulation, but reality might be starting to bite. Business needs stability and consistent rules. The free for all and open blundering, plundering of Musk has got to have legit business shaking in their boots.
So far they've all been hiding or crawling like whipped dogs licking Trump/Musk hands.
Legit business has also got to be afraid of the destruction of our financial plumbing. Crypto is creeping in and infiltrating financial institutions.
I don't think so. I think it's too far of a stretch right now. In a couple of years, probably, though we will probably in the middle of our own land grabs.
The scary part is that there is no simple answer to your question. It appears more and more that Mao answered correctly when Kissinger asked his opinion of the French Revolution
Putin's argument is that NATO is being put on his own border. NATO hates Putin. No leader will tolerate such a hostile entity on its border. We crossed his redlines in violation of a pact Papa Bush and Gorbachev made together. We didn't tolerate this with Cuba in 1962. But we expect him to? That's arrogance, and dangerously naive.
Without the US Putin isn't going near Europe. His army cannot even capture a few villages on his border months after fighting. He's going to take Moldova? Paris? London?
Trump/GOP is already fully doing Putin's bidding. Our recent UN vote; accusing Ukraine of attacking Russia; cutting off all US aid for *seven* months in 2025--and ending it completely in 2025; endlessly pitching via FOX News and RW media to conservative voters that Ukraine & NATO are bad and Russia is good.
And there was NO formal agreement with Gorbachov about not accepting any former Warsaw Pact countries into NATO. After 1989, Poland, the Baltics, etc. literally BEGGED for NATO membership. And got it. Because they knew that without Title 5 NATO protection, that Putin would be doing to them EXACTLY what he started against Ukraine beginning in 2014.
Trump accused Zelenskiy of flirting with WWIII. I'm pretty sure suddenly aligning the nation that was the accepted (former) "leader of the free world" with a ruthless Russian dictator takes the cake on that one.
Trump's foreign policy is being set by too-online right-wing influencers like Jack Posobiec, who think the way to stop World War III is to have the U.S. create a new global order where nuclear-armed nations align with one another to bully non-nuclear nations.
Trump is half right. It's the US antagonizing Putin through NATO that is bringing us close to terminal war. Poor Zelenskyy is a pawn to the US. Now Trump is blaming Zelenskyy for something we provoked.
Readers might not know that they can get honest news directly from Europe and Canada free on streaming services via a Roku device or smart TV. Yesterday, I watched BBC coverage of the summit in London that reacted to Trump revealing that he is going over to the dark side. This coverage is becoming more important as American news services bow down to Comrade Krasnov.
I subscribed to European overlook with Le Monde the English version out of Paris. This let me know unvarnished what Europe thinks, sees and plans. AND Europe still has fact checking AND banned Round Up in their food from the beginning. North America is in a disastrous spot...even Canada as beautiful and ethical as it wound too tightly to the US engine of greed :( :( Europe has always preferred lifestyle over money - imagine that
Disagree with your opinion of Canada. It's a parliamentary and a social welfare state. No more tied to the US engine of greed than Germany or Sweden or the Netherlands; maybe less so, but certainly not more so.
Some years ago I discovered Le Monde - A la une <> -- a newsletter in French that puts "the front page" La Monde headline articles in my inbox every day. "European overlook" may be a related publication. I started reading news from Le Monde to exercise my French language skills, but over the past week I have also read some coverage in English translation to be sure I'm not missing something. I do have access to televised BBC news as well, and I have started looking at it regularly. Americans who understand the history and value of the Atlantic Alliance and the imminent dangers posed by a president who bathes in ignorance and self-aggrandizement need to stay fully informed.
Clearly you have no idea how much genuine rage and disgust there is exploding in the democracy north of the 49th parallel. Canadians have had a long standing chip on their shoulder about being demeaned by BOTH Americans and Brits. Visited the homeland very recently and what I saw and heard was is DIFFERENT. It is true rage .
The U.S. mainstream media has certainly turned into a pile of crap, but news orgs in other countries that aren't subject to the same economic and political pressures are still doing their jobs, thankfully.
Thanks, Paul. My late uncle dropped out of Wesleyan and memorized the eye chart to join the Army in 1942. He wound up interrogating Nazi officers and collaborators. It is important now to remember what Americans did to defeat fascism then and what it means if we don't fight now.
Do Americans have any plans about what to do with this realignment with oligarchies? Do Americans now just shrug and allow its former allies to be attacked, financially, militarily, or both? Something unattributed I came across last night: 'When you think of Nazi Germany, the good Germans that didn’t vote for Hitler aren’t the first to come to mind. The same goes for the US or Russia. Don’t want to be represented by evil? This is your turn to show what you would have done under Nazi rule.'
After attending my Representative's Town Hall yesterday - nothing is going to be done until the mid-terms. Democrats are circling the wagons around Medicaid and Social Security (the Jefferies plan,) but there is no minority power to disrupt the destruction of Federal Infrastructure. We need enforcement through the courts, but to your point, now is the time for direct action. I'm looking at what I can do. I'm tired of making calls to my Democratic Reps and Senators. The White House takes calls Tuesday thru Thursday 11-3PM EST. That is not working or enough given the threat we face with an asset in office.
I hear your call. I'm looking. I'm trying to find better and more effective voice and action.
Thank you Tim for your response. Many astute observers think that, given this already precipitous trajectory, there might not be any midterms. Ever. But I am puzzled why there aren't demonstrations in the major cities at least, as Europeans - particularly the Germans and French - seem to do with results! Tens of thousands, not a few desultory though brave souls on a corner somewhere.
I think passive resistance is the best option at this point. Molotov cocktails would be the excuse to escalate to martial law and state sponsored terrorism. Trump wanted the military to fire on protesters in his first term.
I hope the military holds onto it's institutional knowledge and commitments.
Elections are run by the States. We will have elections. It will be interesting if some states refuse to have elections. I doubt that will happen, but I didn't see what I am seeing now as possible a month ago.
I don't need to tell you what has been going on and how we got here. I agree; we need more outcry and action. It starts with taking care of the least among us. The misinformation is insidious, sinister, and vile. But we will have elections in Oregon at least. No elections - no representation. I'd prefer some states to not have them if that is their choice.
Thanks again, Tim. If only blue states hold elections, what force will it have in Washington? Will the red state representatives just carry on? Will the seats be declared vacant? If so, by whom? And what effect will a national state of emergency and election cancellation have on the states? Your system is so byzantine, no wonder it has foundered in the 21st century.
That's not an easy question to answer, but I think it's a pretty good bet that such an action would trigger some pretty massive rioting, if not start an out and out civil war.
Civil war would be be the only option. That would formally scuttle the Constitution, loyalty to which is a fundamental requirement for being a citizen. It would be an act of war against the population, and the military’s duty would be to fight back. Or betray their oath to the Constitution
On a national level, what does it matter if Oregon has free and fair elections?
They've already cut out funds for forestry fuel reduction programs. (That's just what I know about.) I heard that a third of the state's budget comes from the Feds. Every penny from the Feds will have ropes tied to it.
There are demonstrations all over, there have been, and will continue to be. The US is VERY large, we can’t concentrate in one city like in other countries. We are doing what we can, and will continue to do so. Our media has largely been taken over by billionaires and is not really running these stories.
They aren't getting the attention of the people in Washington. The demonstrations have to be brought to them; they have to see and feel them. That's why general strikes are effective.
The demonstrators were in Vermont over the weekend bc JD was vacationing there. They definitely got his attention. I saw video of people screaming at him on the slopes. There have also been demonstrations in DC since Trump was elected. Again, the MSM is refusing to run stories about them to suppress their reach. I doubt the Republicans give 2 s***s about the demonstrations. They just shrug them off.
States control elections and states will hold mid-terms. If Republican controlled states don’t want to have them, fine. Democratic controlled states will.
You are right that state control is no guarantee. Purple NC has a Democrat for governor and Attorney General but our extremist North Carolina legislature and court are still refusing to certify the clear results of the election of Democrat Allison Riggs to the NC Supreme Court.
The loser wants to throw out 65,000 votes of mostly Democrats, black and young people, of course. The excuse is that their voter registrations don’t have their license numbers and/or SS number which were not required until recently. I registered here thirty years ago yet my vote isn’t being challenged but I am old, white and registered as unaffiliated so they can’t tell I vote for Democrats.
I think they may be getting started. It has been a terrible shock. Most people don't know what has happened.
The Democratic party is still acting as if nothing has changed, with a few exceptions. I got a newsletter from one of my Democratic Senators talking about a housing bill he was proposing. I didn't even bother to read it, but e-mailed him back that housing was the least of our trouble now.
I will be on the street marching tomorrow. Something I've never done before. Old women need to take the lead...The Proud Boys will look bad beating up old ladies.
Here's the thing. The US president cannot be trusted. The US Congress/Senate cannot be trusted. The US supreme court cannot be trusted. The best defense is to disengagement and distance and self defense. Europe seriously needs to get remove and replace US forces and equipment from the continent as soon as it is practical to do so. The nuclear deterrent will be the tough one... not so easy to replace, for sure command and control needs to be disengaged ASAP.
Sadly, you are right; I think. Ten years ago, I was proud of my country. Now I am ashamed. For most of my 80 years, I thought we were making progress. I was wrong.
I’ll tell you what to depressing, I’m 77 and all of the rest of you who feel as strong as I do are at least as old as I. What about the young people? I read Gen Z are going to the right. I know there are some that are not but I need to hear more noise from them. I don’t know, when I was their age I was out marching and protesting and everything else in the 70s. I sound like an old lady standing on the porch screaming at the kids but get with it if you want a country.
He betrayed the U.S. on January 6. He betrayed the U.S. by taking classified documents with him to Mar-a-Toilet. The U.S. judiciary failed in its role to stop drumpf, as did the Congress. Betrayals of American citizens by all three branches of a government dominated by rethugs.
According to Mitt Romney, Trump only escaped conviction in his second impeachment because MAGA thugs had threatened to take revenge against the families of any GOP Senators that voted to convict.
What I found especially galling about McConnell was that blustery hypocritical speech he delivered excoriating "Trumps actions" right after voting "not guilty". Is there anyone on Earth phonier than McConnell?
The people threatening the senators are their very own pack of wolves, which they created! And whatever happened to moral courage in this country. It used to be people would call out threats like that and get other people to join them and defeat the threats. Cowards all.
As a Canadian emotionally wounded by our trade war, I am also disappointed by our European allies, who remain silent while we fight this giant, schizophrenic « partner ». I can now envision a near future where our former brothers in arms might begin aiding Russia on the battlefield against us.
It is disconcerting to see that it is mostly older citizens in U.S. town halls rising up against this, while the younger American generation seems to quietly or tacitly accept it.
Here’s one quick example from Global News: British Prime Minister Keir Starmer on Thursday declined to weigh in on U.S. President Donald Trump’s repeated calls to make Canada the 51st state,
Sometimes you simply ignore what idiots are saying and don't give them the oxygen of attention the crave. Trump and Putin were delivered a very clear and unequivocal message yesterday.
I suspect that was just calculated to avoid goading Trumpkopf too much. As it is he was really sticking his neck out when he declared the UK will stand by Ukraine with boots on the ground.
I'll bet you that privately, Starmer will stand by Canada, as will the vast majority of Americans!
Young people are very disengaged in politics. Still, I'm not involving my children. I don't have much to lose, I'm old. It also looks bad attacking old people. Grandmothers have been very effective worldwide.
Never mind, what the Cousins (Americans) new norm is, how about the complete absence of our supposed king and his family in standing by us...ZERO!
Staking ourselves to a particular ecosystem, WTF is wrong with supporting our fellow humans to improve their quality and standards of life.
Don't we All win, and we're willing to share this not uniquely Canadian value (except for Pierre Polieve) with every one, without collecting a proprietary finders fee! Please....
It's not America 1st--it's Trump 1st--always has been...the other grifters are there because it will be OUR--not HIS--gold being given away to a bunch of crypto grifter/tax evaders.
Given where the US has gone I don’t know the extent the EU should pivot to China? Just viewing them as anti-West is not as helpful as it once was, not because they have changed but because the US has. If China and the EU believe in free trade and the US doesn’t, then collaborate. If the US has threatening technologies that the EU and China together can challenge, then do so.
A bit sad but Europe can’t keep behaving as if the world hasn’t changed.
The EU shouldn't pivot anywhere but look to itself. At this point China is no more of a threat than the US. Neither of us should be trusted.
A huge problem is the lure of being King. Xi has succumbed to it and done away with a cadre of advisors, though I think he's more benevolent Putin or Trump/Musk.
Our King is a figurehead and (unless we manage to save ourselves) the fight for the real crown has yet to take place.
Since Mexico and Canada --- formerly our biggest trading partners and close friends --- are about to undergo severe and unwarranted abuse from the United States, would it make sense for Mexico and Canada to seek a Free Trade agreement with the EU? Tariff-free?
If the United States wants to be all wrapped up in itself, it may discover that makes a mighty small package ...
Thank you. The GOP are enabling this wholesale selling of American to Putin and his oligarchs. I am beyond angry at them for refusing to do their constitutional duty.
Actually, that is the very LAST thing we are going to do. We can’t trust you, you see…
But we have much that we will be able to learn - indeed, have been learning already - from Ukraine. The whole way military budgets have been devoted to overcomplicated and overpriced things like the JSF grew out of the US way of doing things. And if you lose just one, you’ve blown your budget. But it kept some oversized and overpowerful contractors happy…
We would however be grateful for two things from the US:
- that Trump doesn’t feed US money into Putin’s almost empty coffers
- that the military and other intelligence we all shared with you freely (and I’m speaking here as an Australian as well as a European) is not being handed over to Putin. Probably via Musk; I assume that’s what’s really behind his takeover of your systems.
Can we hope for either of those? I am sadly unsure - it will require a few people actually acting on their commitment to the Constitution - and perhaps remembering their friends? Just a little?
I live in the Belgian Ardennes, which some reading this will recall is the graveyard for many, many brave young Americans, slaughtered by the very people Musk and Vought love. If Americans remember their sacrifice- as we most certainly do - they will be out in force in the streets protesting, and NOT politely. You are in the middle of a coup, not a Sunday picnic.
And thank you, dear Paul Krugman, for being such a beacon of not just good sense, but ‘good’. ♥️
Hi Robyn, the use of 'you' and 'your systems' in your reply suggest you believe are addressing an American but I was writing as a British subject and share your reservations.
’m SO sorry, I DID assume that, Terry! 🙀 I spent 33 years in the UK, and still spend a lot of time working there… as we both know, Putin was also behind Brexit. I wish we could reverse that…
Assume that those two things will happen. Sorry about that. I assume that most of the free world has quit sharing intelligence as soon as The Ministry of Magic fell to Voldemort.
We have been allowing third parties access to weapons and western goods for years. Now we are going to do it directly, I guess. Hegseth has already ordered the US Military to stand down.
All those ethical and valued Americans still live right there in America ...and their Country is being taken over by a traitor... to Russia. Who I fear will kill trump quickly. Trump IS NO STRONG MAN to be feared....he is dismantling any defence and handing OVER the United States of America to putin. In real time. His reasons are irrelevant. THAT is the future .... and tho I cannot know for sure...but some things you just know, that you know, you can sense it. Unless stopped
Thank you for decades of good reading from you. As a European, it cheers me up to think we can stand strong. I believe most Americans don't want this either. I hope the ones who were fooled can soon see more clearly so we can re-align soon. I hope the European far right voters follow Canada and realize what those people are really about. In any case, within Europe ties are growing stronger and that's also a good thing.
Thank you for bringing us back to the story of Portugal, it is very relevant to where we are today in Europe. As an American living in Europe most of my adult life (I’m 67 and have lived in Europe during the Cold War for several years (in West Berlin), and the last 30 years in the Netherlands) — I believe that Europe has had it’s awakening last Friday and I do believe Europeans are going to step up, lead, and provide what Ukraine needs to have its sovereignty and a just peace - and push back on Putin so that he stays inside his own border. Worried at the moment for Moldova if Europe doesn’t in fact step up. The meeting in London yesterday has consequential outcomes, I believe.
I agree that the meeting in London yesterday is going to have consequential outcomes. Europe, the UK and Canada are now going to flex their strength.
Putin's aggression has so far resulted in Finland and Sweden joining NATO. Something very unwelcome and unexpected.
His efforts through Trump to have the US dump Ukraine, and more closely align itself with Russian/Chinese interests is also a big fail IF--and only IF--the EU steps up. This is Europe's moment, and so far they seem to really waking up to moving out from under the US geopolitical shadow.
Trump's actions over the past few weeks have made it abundantly clear that regarding Russia he's not just a "useful idiot", but a full-blown KGB (FSB) intelligence thrall, and has been since the '80's or '90's. He is--and by extension his party, and its official mouthpiece FOX News--traitorous scum, harming both our national security and prosperity for the benefit of the Russo-Chinese alliance.
Slava Ukraini! Zelensky is the leader of the free world now and Europe must support him. I wrote a poem called freedom’s light to inspire all democracy defenders:
I believe Krugman and your comment begs the question: What happens to the US and its military and financial might and defence industries in this new world? All redirected to offense? You seem to assume the US will just stand by. I can't see that, nor see the military industrial complex just rolling over.
Raytheon, et al can just as easily sell to the EU as the USA
Every large military system (such as F-16s, anti-aircraft systems, etc.) that we "sell" to a foreign country comes with conditions. With Trump in power, rest assured that he will not allow those items to be used to support Ukraine. Europe will have to rely on locally manufactured military gear, such as the Eurofighter. Since it appears that drones are the big item these days, European nations may be at something of a disadvantage.
Allies' purchases of US weaponry help us significantly defray their enormous development costs. Refusing to sell to our allies/former NATO allies would hurt us and drive Europeans to develop their own advanced systems - which they're quite capable of.
European arms manufactures are seeing their stocks go through the roof while US arms manufactures are dropping.
Everyone sees where this is headed.
This. Most definitely, this.
We'll see how our own Military-Industrial complex--which has historically been a GOP-centric phenomenon--reacts to Trump/GOP cutting them out of tens, or even hundreds of billions of NATO-based business. Advanced weapons systems are one of our top exports, and Europe our top customer. Perhaps the stupidest move yet from a supposedly very stable financial genius.
We're not talking about the US refusing to sell to other countries. We're really talking about it being in other countries' best interests to refuse to buy from the US and develop their own.
Good for the EU, but bad for our economy. And bad for you if you live in an area with defense factories.
You get to watch your local tax base and property values decline, and your schools lose funding.
There are a lot of people highlighting the Ukrainians actual advantage in building a much faster rate than the Western world can. Necessity is the mother of invention? In today's more technologically advanced, remote war this is one case where they (Ukraine/EU) may have an advantage vs the US?
No. All its USA contracts are for the USA and require Federal permission to sell to any other country.
Pretty much EVERY joint weapons system--like the F-16 fighter--used by our soon to be former NATO allies has a substantial portion of US-made components.
Hundreds of billions--ultimately trillions--of US defense exports are about to go bye-bye thanks to Trump/GOP. Better hope you don't live in an area or state with lots of defense plants.
Or better yet, sell your house now before your local economy implodes.
The regime change has happened so rapidly that Europe probably has time to prepare before we bring our military might against them. I can't see our military doing an about face and bombing London on Musk/Trump/Vance say so. They'll start out slow, attacking Panama and Greenland, maybe taking some swipes at Mexico.
The new regime is taking an ax to our financial might. The financial boys have been thrilled at the thought of tax cuts and wiping out regulation, but reality might be starting to bite. Business needs stability and consistent rules. The free for all and open blundering, plundering of Musk has got to have legit business shaking in their boots.
So far they've all been hiding or crawling like whipped dogs licking Trump/Musk hands.
Legit business has also got to be afraid of the destruction of our financial plumbing. Crypto is creeping in and infiltrating financial institutions.
Will we bear arms for Putin’s Russian land grab?
Over my cold cadaver. No way in hell will that happen.
I don't think so. I think it's too far of a stretch right now. In a couple of years, probably, though we will probably in the middle of our own land grabs.
We already are. Panama, Canada, Greenland, the Gaza strip.
Not Greenland. It's part of Denmark. A military takeover would trigger a war with NATO.
I agree, but I think Trump believes that NATO is a paper tiger and will fold.
The scary part is that there is no simple answer to your question. It appears more and more that Mao answered correctly when Kissinger asked his opinion of the French Revolution
A hard way to get to a silver lining - no doubt Trump will take credit.
I wouldn't put it past him.
Putin's argument is that NATO is being put on his own border. NATO hates Putin. No leader will tolerate such a hostile entity on its border. We crossed his redlines in violation of a pact Papa Bush and Gorbachev made together. We didn't tolerate this with Cuba in 1962. But we expect him to? That's arrogance, and dangerously naive.
Without the US Putin isn't going near Europe. His army cannot even capture a few villages on his border months after fighting. He's going to take Moldova? Paris? London?
It'd be suicide.
Unless Trump helps him . . .
Trump/GOP is already fully doing Putin's bidding. Our recent UN vote; accusing Ukraine of attacking Russia; cutting off all US aid for *seven* months in 2025--and ending it completely in 2025; endlessly pitching via FOX News and RW media to conservative voters that Ukraine & NATO are bad and Russia is good.
And there was NO formal agreement with Gorbachov about not accepting any former Warsaw Pact countries into NATO. After 1989, Poland, the Baltics, etc. literally BEGGED for NATO membership. And got it. Because they knew that without Title 5 NATO protection, that Putin would be doing to them EXACTLY what he started against Ukraine beginning in 2014.
Trump accused Zelenskiy of flirting with WWIII. I'm pretty sure suddenly aligning the nation that was the accepted (former) "leader of the free world" with a ruthless Russian dictator takes the cake on that one.
Trump's inane declarations are almost always projection or confession.
Or confusion.
The man has dementia. It will only get worse.
Liverpool, you are so right.
The leader of the free world was in that meeting in tge oval yesterday, but it wasn’t the US President.
Trump's foreign policy is being set by too-online right-wing influencers like Jack Posobiec, who think the way to stop World War III is to have the U.S. create a new global order where nuclear-armed nations align with one another to bully non-nuclear nations.
Trump is half right. It's the US antagonizing Putin through NATO that is bringing us close to terminal war. Poor Zelenskyy is a pawn to the US. Now Trump is blaming Zelenskyy for something we provoked.
Readers might not know that they can get honest news directly from Europe and Canada free on streaming services via a Roku device or smart TV. Yesterday, I watched BBC coverage of the summit in London that reacted to Trump revealing that he is going over to the dark side. This coverage is becoming more important as American news services bow down to Comrade Krasnov.
I subscribed to European overlook with Le Monde the English version out of Paris. This let me know unvarnished what Europe thinks, sees and plans. AND Europe still has fact checking AND banned Round Up in their food from the beginning. North America is in a disastrous spot...even Canada as beautiful and ethical as it wound too tightly to the US engine of greed :( :( Europe has always preferred lifestyle over money - imagine that
Disagree with your opinion of Canada. It's a parliamentary and a social welfare state. No more tied to the US engine of greed than Germany or Sweden or the Netherlands; maybe less so, but certainly not more so.
Maybe she is referring to the drift of Round Up blowing or floating up north into Canada.
Some years ago I discovered Le Monde - A la une <> -- a newsletter in French that puts "the front page" La Monde headline articles in my inbox every day. "European overlook" may be a related publication. I started reading news from Le Monde to exercise my French language skills, but over the past week I have also read some coverage in English translation to be sure I'm not missing something. I do have access to televised BBC news as well, and I have started looking at it regularly. Americans who understand the history and value of the Atlantic Alliance and the imminent dangers posed by a president who bathes in ignorance and self-aggrandizement need to stay fully informed. is another good source. It's in English.
Clearly you have no idea how much genuine rage and disgust there is exploding in the democracy north of the 49th parallel. Canadians have had a long standing chip on their shoulder about being demeaned by BOTH Americans and Brits. Visited the homeland very recently and what I saw and heard was is DIFFERENT. It is true rage .
Demeaned by Brits??
Once a colony, always a colony. The Brits can’t help it; it’s almost genetic.
Thank you. I hadn’t thought of that.
The U.S. mainstream media has certainly turned into a pile of crap, but news orgs in other countries that aren't subject to the same economic and political pressures are still doing their jobs, thankfully.
Guardian is great, subscribe!
Thanks, Paul. My late uncle dropped out of Wesleyan and memorized the eye chart to join the Army in 1942. He wound up interrogating Nazi officers and collaborators. It is important now to remember what Americans did to defeat fascism then and what it means if we don't fight now.
Do Americans have any plans about what to do with this realignment with oligarchies? Do Americans now just shrug and allow its former allies to be attacked, financially, militarily, or both? Something unattributed I came across last night: 'When you think of Nazi Germany, the good Germans that didn’t vote for Hitler aren’t the first to come to mind. The same goes for the US or Russia. Don’t want to be represented by evil? This is your turn to show what you would have done under Nazi rule.'
After attending my Representative's Town Hall yesterday - nothing is going to be done until the mid-terms. Democrats are circling the wagons around Medicaid and Social Security (the Jefferies plan,) but there is no minority power to disrupt the destruction of Federal Infrastructure. We need enforcement through the courts, but to your point, now is the time for direct action. I'm looking at what I can do. I'm tired of making calls to my Democratic Reps and Senators. The White House takes calls Tuesday thru Thursday 11-3PM EST. That is not working or enough given the threat we face with an asset in office.
I hear your call. I'm looking. I'm trying to find better and more effective voice and action.
God Bless America.
Thank you Tim for your response. Many astute observers think that, given this already precipitous trajectory, there might not be any midterms. Ever. But I am puzzled why there aren't demonstrations in the major cities at least, as Europeans - particularly the Germans and French - seem to do with results! Tens of thousands, not a few desultory though brave souls on a corner somewhere.
There have been demonstrations, but they are not being covered by the media outlets run by oligarchs.
At least not until a few Molotov cocktails hit the windows.
I think passive resistance is the best option at this point. Molotov cocktails would be the excuse to escalate to martial law and state sponsored terrorism. Trump wanted the military to fire on protesters in his first term.
I hope the military holds onto it's institutional knowledge and commitments.
Oh I agree. But he might do that anyway, even against peaceful protesters. If he does, I say, we should be ready for it and fight back.
I guess I'll find out tomorrow at the 50501 protest:
And then Trump gets his wish and declares martial law.
He might do that anyway.
Elections are run by the States. We will have elections. It will be interesting if some states refuse to have elections. I doubt that will happen, but I didn't see what I am seeing now as possible a month ago.
I don't need to tell you what has been going on and how we got here. I agree; we need more outcry and action. It starts with taking care of the least among us. The misinformation is insidious, sinister, and vile. But we will have elections in Oregon at least. No elections - no representation. I'd prefer some states to not have them if that is their choice.
Time to chop and carry.
Best to you,
Thanks again, Tim. If only blue states hold elections, what force will it have in Washington? Will the red state representatives just carry on? Will the seats be declared vacant? If so, by whom? And what effect will a national state of emergency and election cancellation have on the states? Your system is so byzantine, no wonder it has foundered in the 21st century.
That's not an easy question to answer, but I think it's a pretty good bet that such an action would trigger some pretty massive rioting, if not start an out and out civil war.
Civil war would be be the only option. That would formally scuttle the Constitution, loyalty to which is a fundamental requirement for being a citizen. It would be an act of war against the population, and the military’s duty would be to fight back. Or betray their oath to the Constitution
On a national level, what does it matter if Oregon has free and fair elections?
They've already cut out funds for forestry fuel reduction programs. (That's just what I know about.) I heard that a third of the state's budget comes from the Feds. Every penny from the Feds will have ropes tied to it.
Eight electoral college votes. Every vote counts!
There are demonstrations all over, there have been, and will continue to be. The US is VERY large, we can’t concentrate in one city like in other countries. We are doing what we can, and will continue to do so. Our media has largely been taken over by billionaires and is not really running these stories.
They aren't getting the attention of the people in Washington. The demonstrations have to be brought to them; they have to see and feel them. That's why general strikes are effective.
The demonstrators were in Vermont over the weekend bc JD was vacationing there. They definitely got his attention. I saw video of people screaming at him on the slopes. There have also been demonstrations in DC since Trump was elected. Again, the MSM is refusing to run stories about them to suppress their reach. I doubt the Republicans give 2 s***s about the demonstrations. They just shrug them off.
The GOP might be shrugging it off for now, but they can't ignore us forever. It'll only grow. It might eventually explode.
Indeed. There's going to one nationwide tomorrow:
Be there or be square!
States control elections and states will hold mid-terms. If Republican controlled states don’t want to have them, fine. Democratic controlled states will.
You are right that state control is no guarantee. Purple NC has a Democrat for governor and Attorney General but our extremist North Carolina legislature and court are still refusing to certify the clear results of the election of Democrat Allison Riggs to the NC Supreme Court.
The loser wants to throw out 65,000 votes of mostly Democrats, black and young people, of course. The excuse is that their voter registrations don’t have their license numbers and/or SS number which were not required until recently. I registered here thirty years ago yet my vote isn’t being challenged but I am old, white and registered as unaffiliated so they can’t tell I vote for Democrats.
Thanks for the NC context.
Not fine. That would be an act of war.
OK, I see what you mean. I had only been thinking that if they don’t fill their R seats then so much the better for Ds. But you’re right, not fine.
I think they may be getting started. It has been a terrible shock. Most people don't know what has happened.
The Democratic party is still acting as if nothing has changed, with a few exceptions. I got a newsletter from one of my Democratic Senators talking about a housing bill he was proposing. I didn't even bother to read it, but e-mailed him back that housing was the least of our trouble now.
I will be on the street marching tomorrow. Something I've never done before. Old women need to take the lead...The Proud Boys will look bad beating up old ladies.
The Proud Boys are such low life's, I don't think they care how bad they look, any more than the Brown Shirts in 1933.
In case anyone is wondering about what march Sharon is referring to, it's the nationwide march being held by 50501. Be there or be square!:
Oh it's coming. Give it a little time. Remember, we're only a month into this coup d'état.
Nationwide 50501 protest tomorrow:
I hope you’re right!
I just saw a news report that Norways oil refuelers are refusing to refuel US naval vessels and demanding that the US not be invited to the G7.
Can EU/UK/Canada boycott/sanction us safely?
Here's the thing. The US president cannot be trusted. The US Congress/Senate cannot be trusted. The US supreme court cannot be trusted. The best defense is to disengagement and distance and self defense. Europe seriously needs to get remove and replace US forces and equipment from the continent as soon as it is practical to do so. The nuclear deterrent will be the tough one... not so easy to replace, for sure command and control needs to be disengaged ASAP.
They have the UK and France. It doesn't take a lot of nukes to be a deterrent.
I fear we're done, finished, obsolete. And, yes, after years of observation and thought, I believe trump is a Russian asset.
Like a dying tree, America is still standing. But rotten to the core.
Sadly, you are right; I think. Ten years ago, I was proud of my country. Now I am ashamed. For most of my 80 years, I thought we were making progress. I was wrong.
I think we were making progress. But it’s been derailed. Temporarily, I hope.
You're old. Get out and protest. Even in a wheelchair. Us old people need to lead the protest. We have a lot less to lose.
83 here - maybe progress, just not in the direction we hoped. Regress?
I’ll tell you what to depressing, I’m 77 and all of the rest of you who feel as strong as I do are at least as old as I. What about the young people? I read Gen Z are going to the right. I know there are some that are not but I need to hear more noise from them. I don’t know, when I was their age I was out marching and protesting and everything else in the 70s. I sound like an old lady standing on the porch screaming at the kids but get with it if you want a country.
I agree. Read today's substack article by Heather Cox Richardson.
Traitor Trump.
He betrayed the U.S. on January 6. He betrayed the U.S. by taking classified documents with him to Mar-a-Toilet. The U.S. judiciary failed in its role to stop drumpf, as did the Congress. Betrayals of American citizens by all three branches of a government dominated by rethugs.
Trump's 's a foreign agent. There is no higher crime, nor misdemeanor. Impeach him.
According to Mitt Romney, Trump only escaped conviction in his second impeachment because MAGA thugs had threatened to take revenge against the families of any GOP Senators that voted to convict.
No doubt. But there also was McConnell's highwire act: Trump did it, but we can't impeach and convict a person who is not currently president.
What I found especially galling about McConnell was that blustery hypocritical speech he delivered excoriating "Trumps actions" right after voting "not guilty". Is there anyone on Earth phonier than McConnell?
Like I said, a highwire act. He wanted it both ways.
The people threatening the senators are their very own pack of wolves, which they created! And whatever happened to moral courage in this country. It used to be people would call out threats like that and get other people to join them and defeat the threats. Cowards all.
I think that's right. I can't see any other reason why the GOP representatives would be so cowed.
Or better still, hang him!
Dear Dr.,
As a Canadian emotionally wounded by our trade war, I am also disappointed by our European allies, who remain silent while we fight this giant, schizophrenic « partner ». I can now envision a near future where our former brothers in arms might begin aiding Russia on the battlefield against us.
It is disconcerting to see that it is mostly older citizens in U.S. town halls rising up against this, while the younger American generation seems to quietly or tacitly accept it.
We are far from Normandy now.
What part of yesterday's meeting in London was silent?
Here’s one quick example from Global News: British Prime Minister Keir Starmer on Thursday declined to weigh in on U.S. President Donald Trump’s repeated calls to make Canada the 51st state,
Sometimes you simply ignore what idiots are saying and don't give them the oxygen of attention the crave. Trump and Putin were delivered a very clear and unequivocal message yesterday.
I suspect that was just calculated to avoid goading Trumpkopf too much. As it is he was really sticking his neck out when he declared the UK will stand by Ukraine with boots on the ground.
I'll bet you that privately, Starmer will stand by Canada, as will the vast majority of Americans!
Young people are very disengaged in politics. Still, I'm not involving my children. I don't have much to lose, I'm old. It also looks bad attacking old people. Grandmothers have been very effective worldwide.
Never mind, what the Cousins (Americans) new norm is, how about the complete absence of our supposed king and his family in standing by us...ZERO!
Staking ourselves to a particular ecosystem, WTF is wrong with supporting our fellow humans to improve their quality and standards of life.
Don't we All win, and we're willing to share this not uniquely Canadian value (except for Pierre Polieve) with every one, without collecting a proprietary finders fee! Please....
It's not America 1st--it's Trump 1st--always has been...the other grifters are there because it will be OUR--not HIS--gold being given away to a bunch of crypto grifter/tax evaders.
As an American, I must say you make a good point here.
"I can now envision a near future where our former brothers in arms might begin aiding Russia on the battlefield against us."
Over our cold cadavers. No way in hell would we stand by and let that happen.
Given where the US has gone I don’t know the extent the EU should pivot to China? Just viewing them as anti-West is not as helpful as it once was, not because they have changed but because the US has. If China and the EU believe in free trade and the US doesn’t, then collaborate. If the US has threatening technologies that the EU and China together can challenge, then do so.
A bit sad but Europe can’t keep behaving as if the world hasn’t changed.
Disastrous for Europe and eventually for the U.S. if the EU is forced to pivot to China. The death of democracy lies that way.
Be careful what you wish for. Turning to a bully to protect you from another bully doesn't usually work out well.
Why not just be assertive itself instead of sucking up to despots. Screw China.
The EU shouldn't pivot anywhere but look to itself. At this point China is no more of a threat than the US. Neither of us should be trusted.
A huge problem is the lure of being King. Xi has succumbed to it and done away with a cadre of advisors, though I think he's more benevolent Putin or Trump/Musk.
Our King is a figurehead and (unless we manage to save ourselves) the fight for the real crown has yet to take place.
Since Mexico and Canada --- formerly our biggest trading partners and close friends --- are about to undergo severe and unwarranted abuse from the United States, would it make sense for Mexico and Canada to seek a Free Trade agreement with the EU? Tariff-free?
If the United States wants to be all wrapped up in itself, it may discover that makes a mighty small package ...
Canada has a comprehensive trade agreement with the EU making vast majority of trade tariff free
Actually trust the EU to abide by it. Canada will
Canada can also maintain their agreement with Mexico
Thank you for the clarification. Facts matter. All my best to Canada, Mexico, and the EU. And may the Ukraine soon be an EU member ...
I second that. Great handle BTW.
"The paradox is that 500 million Europeans are asking 300 million Americans for help to protect them from 140 million Russians,"
— Donald Tusk
That is how we, the U.S., controlled the world for 80 years.
That overlooks the fact that the USA spent $6 billion destabilising (sorry, promoting democracy) in Ukraine before the 'revolution'.
Utter lie.
Thank you. The GOP are enabling this wholesale selling of American to Putin and his oligarchs. I am beyond angry at them for refusing to do their constitutional duty.
I expect Trump won't mind US firms selling weapons to Europe, which would facilitate European support to Ukraine.
Actually, that is the very LAST thing we are going to do. We can’t trust you, you see…
But we have much that we will be able to learn - indeed, have been learning already - from Ukraine. The whole way military budgets have been devoted to overcomplicated and overpriced things like the JSF grew out of the US way of doing things. And if you lose just one, you’ve blown your budget. But it kept some oversized and overpowerful contractors happy…
We would however be grateful for two things from the US:
- that Trump doesn’t feed US money into Putin’s almost empty coffers
- that the military and other intelligence we all shared with you freely (and I’m speaking here as an Australian as well as a European) is not being handed over to Putin. Probably via Musk; I assume that’s what’s really behind his takeover of your systems.
Can we hope for either of those? I am sadly unsure - it will require a few people actually acting on their commitment to the Constitution - and perhaps remembering their friends? Just a little?
I live in the Belgian Ardennes, which some reading this will recall is the graveyard for many, many brave young Americans, slaughtered by the very people Musk and Vought love. If Americans remember their sacrifice- as we most certainly do - they will be out in force in the streets protesting, and NOT politely. You are in the middle of a coup, not a Sunday picnic.
And thank you, dear Paul Krugman, for being such a beacon of not just good sense, but ‘good’. ♥️
Hi Robyn, the use of 'you' and 'your systems' in your reply suggest you believe are addressing an American but I was writing as a British subject and share your reservations.
’m SO sorry, I DID assume that, Terry! 🙀 I spent 33 years in the UK, and still spend a lot of time working there… as we both know, Putin was also behind Brexit. I wish we could reverse that…
Assume that those two things will happen. Sorry about that. I assume that most of the free world has quit sharing intelligence as soon as The Ministry of Magic fell to Voldemort.
We have been allowing third parties access to weapons and western goods for years. Now we are going to do it directly, I guess. Hegseth has already ordered the US Military to stand down.
And if he refuses, we'll know for sure it's because Vlad slapped him with a rolled-up newspaper.
Only if he can get in on the $action.
I hope that’s right
All those ethical and valued Americans still live right there in America ...and their Country is being taken over by a traitor... to Russia. Who I fear will kill trump quickly. Trump IS NO STRONG MAN to be feared....he is dismantling any defence and handing OVER the United States of America to putin. In real time. His reasons are irrelevant. THAT is the future .... and tho I cannot know for sure...but some things you just know, that you know, you can sense it. Unless stopped
Thank you for decades of good reading from you. As a European, it cheers me up to think we can stand strong. I believe most Americans don't want this either. I hope the ones who were fooled can soon see more clearly so we can re-align soon. I hope the European far right voters follow Canada and realize what those people are really about. In any case, within Europe ties are growing stronger and that's also a good thing.
Most Americans don’t want this but we have many internal enemies who do. Sadly.